Islamic wall art of Ayat-ul-Kursi | Islamic Art Canada | USA
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Islamic wall art of Ayat-ul-Kursi | Islamic Art Canada | USA

Original price was: $ 650.00.Current price is: $ 500.00.


Islamic wall art of Ayat-ul-Kursi

Islamic wall art of Ayat-ul-Kursi on a canvas with blue background and the entire writing is gold leaf foil. This is a very different and unique Islamic Calligraphy Art on a canvas size 31×48 Inches. The entire Ayat ul Kursi is done by Gold Foil leaf. This is one of a kind and very different from other paintings.

Ayatul Kursi Benefits

  1. If you recite ayatul kursi when you leave your house then Allah will appoint 70,000 angels to protect you from all sides
  2. Having prayed it when you enter your will keep poverty away from you and Allah will keep providing for you abundantly
  3. If you recite it after carrying out wudu then it will raise you by 70 times in the ranks of Allah
  4. If you recite ayatul kursi before sleeping then an angel will be appointed to protect you for the whole nightA
  5. After any fardh (obligatory) salah, if its prayed then the only thing preventing you from entering paradise is death
  6. If ayatul kursi is prayed then this will help to increase his memory and strengthen it if it’s become weak
Additional Information
Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 122 × 3 × 81 cm
Select your currency
CAD Canadian dollar