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In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.
This page presents The 99 Names (Attributes) of Allah (s.w.t) which Muslim Scholars and Islamic spiritualists collected from The Glorious Holy Qur’an with Their translations, transliterations and spiritual benefit to human-kind. It was reported in Hadith that:
Prophet Muhammad (a.w.s) said; To Allah (s.w.t) belongs 99 Names (Attributes) which are found in The Holy Qur’ an, whoever learns Them by the heart will enter paradise.
However, learning the Names (Attributes) by heart is not the aim. The aim is to find the One who is Named (Attributed). Worship Allah (s.w.t) and Allah (s.w.t) Alone, with the entirety of your hearts.
As it is definite and beyond any dispute that whatever happens in the world, happens by the Will of The God, (Allah -s.w.t-) and as well, everything that exists lies absolutely in His (s.w.t) powers and total control. So thus, it is then just manifestly natural for us to supplicate to Him { The King of Glory } in our times of needs. In Islam, Supplication is a matter of paramount importance.
The Holy Qur’an: ” And your Lord says: ” Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer): ……….. ” surah 40 – verse 60
The Almighty Allah (s.w.t) blesses man with His Beautiful Names, when He (s.w.t) says:
The Holy Qur’an: ” Say: ” Call upon Allah, or call upon Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent): by whatever Name you call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. …………… ” surah 17 – verse 110
It therefore shows that the 99 Names of Allah (s.w.t) are effective keys to Allah’s (s.w.t’s) glory in solving all the needs of our daily affairs. The Attributes are such that they encompass the various aspect of the affairs of man, and the Name one uses at a particular point in time for prayer depends on one’s need or request at the time, and the relevance of the Name to the same. However, to achieve success in the use of the Names, it is necessary to perform them in the manners that has been prescribed to us by the sheikhs (spiritual leaders). To repeat a Name without concentration and purity of the heart would be futile exercise of the lips and the tongue, for by this the person would not be able to bring any good to himself nor would it enable bring him closer to Allah (s.w.t). Neither will he be able to get rid of his misfortune and attract benefits of his aims for the recitation. Thus, when you offer your supplications, do it with undivided attention to Allah (s.w.t), and have an implicit faith that your wishes will be granted by Allah (s.w.t), The All Merciful, The Most Kind, and The Knower of all.
So therefore, to achieve quick result, he who would like to use a Name (Attribute) of Allah (s.w.t), should wake up in the midnight, perform ablution and offer at least 2 rakats of namaz (prayer) in a clean place followed by saying the following at least 100 or 313 or 1000 times or more.
(I) ALLahumma SaL-Li ALaa Muhammad WasaL-Lim. ( Oh Allah, send prayers (acceptance} upon Muhammad, and unto him be peace )
(II) AstagfiruLLahi ( A call for Allah’s forgiveness of ones sins )
(III) AL-HamduLiLLahi ( All praises due to Allah )
(IV) Laa ILLaha ILLaLLahu ( There is no God worthy of worship but Allah )
(HuwaLLahu Ladhi Laa iLLaha iLaa HuwaL RahmaanuL Rahiim …)
(He is Allah, Whom there is no other God but Him, The Most Merciful, The Most Kind ……….. )
And then end the prayer by solemnly appealing to Allah (s.w.t) whole heartedly to answer the particular quest in need. May our Lord (whom we all, willingly or unwillingly belong to), answer all our prayers. Ameen.
Allah (s.w.t), Jalla Jalaalahu (splendid is His glory) – His mercy spreads over all. He (s.w.t) is well able and to Him (s.w.t), nothing is impossible. Oh Allah (s.w.t), help us all in our daily affairs, fulfill our needs and most of all, – ” Show us the straight path, The path of those whom Thou hast favoured. Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray ” – [Qur: S-1 V-6 + 7].
Allahuma Ameen.
Weight | 11 kg |
Dimensions | 124 × 5 × 94 cm |